I’ve scheduled many of Tuesdays with Paisley posts knowing that the election madness is only going to get worse. So this is for all of us. Cute little Paisley face to keep us going. Yes, I know it’s blurry and weirdly filtered it was 2012. That’s what we did back then. Or something.
When Paisley was only a few weeks old, we took her on a trip with us to Monterey. We tried to leave her behind one morning and she yelped and cried so loudly, we were pretty sure we were going to arrested…even though that’s not how any of this works. So. The Dude and I stayed behind while everyone else went to the aquarium. We explored the same mile of Monterey about 27 times while we waited. PUPPIES! They just can’t be trusted.
No one can make you feel guilty about leaving like Paisley. But that might be because I can only vaguely remember when my kids used to do the same thing when I dropped them off at daycare or school.
After a REALLY long day at work, the last thing you want to deal with is a dog pooping on your floor. But that’s what happens with puppies sometimes. Paisley was only a few weeks old (and really did well with all the potty-training stuffs) but how you can NOT forgive a face like that?
But I still like to tell the story. If only for the chance to show cute Puppy Paisley pictures.
Today this one officially moves back into the dorms today and while I know she misses us terribly, it’s really hard for her to be away from Paisley. And I get it.
I try hard to not be real weird when it comes to how much we love our dog. How much *I* love my dog. So the fact that I’m only devoting ONE day a week for Paisley pictures is reason enough to buy me something pretty.
Pretty please?
The very definition of Puppy Dog Eyes
The world needs more Paisley so I am here for the world.
As we start our Tuesday ritual, you should know that Paisley is completely terrified of the vacuum, the broom, the big jug of water and, most especially, the pool.
However, you should also know that she’s the sweetest damn dog, good and patient with all the littles, keeps me company while I work…and she’s also so damn cute.
I would also like you to know that she eats regular dog food, she has never been carried in a purse and the only clothes she owns are Halloween Costumes. Not that there is ANYTHING wrong with any of that I just felt like we should all come clean before Tuesday becomes a thing.